Did another lunch-time bike ride. Fairly average, 26.98km, 1:02:02 duration, 26,1 km/h average speed, 184m elevation gain. The bad part (and I’m not sure if it’s entirely the fault of today’s ride) was that in the evening, I had excruciating neck pain, which in turn caused a very strong and persistent headache that I only…
Daily training log: 27/Sep/2015: 4km jogging
Just like the previous weekend, I headed to my favourite training track, at the INS (“Institut National des sports”); reasoning that since my achilles was still on probation (so to speak) I shouldn’t subject it to anything extravagant. So laps on a flat track it was. Straight away, I found myself moving quite effortlessly at…
Daily training log: 26/Sep/2015: 52.5km bike ride
Driving your car for 35 minutes just to get to a spot where you then ride your bike for 2 hours seems a bit redundant; or maybe even wasteful because why not just start biking at home? But that would mean I’d always be hitting the same old spots, at least initially, and where’s the…
Daily training log: 25/Sep/2015
The days are getting shorter and I’m spending precious daylight minutes in traffic jams to and from work. Fortunately, we do have showers at work and I can take flexible lunch breaks, so the obvious solution is to exercise at noon, when temperatures are at their daily peak and there’s plenty of daylight. Since I…
Daily training log: 24/Sep/2015
Well. That didn’t last long. Posted a “daily training log” on the 19th, and promptly fell ill and didn’t do any training for the next few days. Would have preferred to take a sick day or two and recover at home, but forced myself to go to work because we’re short-staffed and there was plenty…
Daily training log: 19/Sep/2015
I really like reading other people’s daily training logs. George Zack for example has been blogging about training and various races in Colorado and elsewhere for years, and it’s always motivating to see consistency not just in training and racing, but also in documenting it all. One of the big reasons I’ve always been reluctant…
Month in review: August 2015
The injury on my left Achilles tendon continued to heavily influence all my sports activities in August. I had another two doctor visits and two physiotherapy appointments. Unfortunately, a limited test to return to running (as prescribed by the doctor) proved to be a little premature. The good news is that the inflammation is mostly…
Month in review: July 2015
My left achilles tendon has been the biggest source of trouble in my entire athletics career, and by early July I was once again at a decisive point as far as the severety of the injury was concerned. There was a lot of inflammation around my left heel, and even just walking around hurt my…
Month in review: June 2015
Track trainings: 6 track trainings in June. Still trying to find the right balance, since the pain threshold is quite low as far as the achilles tendon is concerned. What’s making this harder is that during the training when the achilles is all warmed up I feel a lot less pain than the next morning;…
Race report: Katrinberglauf (4.5km, 943 Hm)
Somewhere along the climb, there was that moment where everything just kind of faded away, and my entire mental focus was reduced to just that next footstep – to get that ideal foot placement, with the most grip and the least amount of slippage. Long gone were the ambitions of finishing in a certain time,…