Month in review: October 2017

October was a high-volume month bike month, with a renewed focus on track training. Since I don’t have endless time and energy something had to give, so I did less running.

Track&field: I did seven training sessions with the club: 4x sprint sessions on the track, 2x stair runs, 1x hill sprints. I feel better than I did this time last year.

Road and trail running: Less than I wanted to do. I wanted to do more on weekends, but with so much biking volume during the week I opted to do two “zero day” weekends.. I still managed to to 1 stair session, 4 lunch runs and 1 weekend run. 68,5km, 1339m elevation gain, 6:46.

Cycling: I was very regular on the bike this month, but only because I made it a habit to commute to work. Biked to work a whopping 11 times, for a total of 521km in the saddle. This took almost 20 hours.

Walking: Fairly unremarkable. I walked quite regularly at lunch, but most days less than 2km. 49km total, 8 hours 30 minutes.Weight training: Only one brief medicine ball session. It’s one of those things I know I should be doing, but am unable to find the energy and motivation to actually do.Total time outside: 43:42

Body composition: The monthly stat says there’s a small improvement from September (78,50kg => 78,31kg; 13,42% => 13,30%), but I don’t see it. Maybe because the average has been trending up recently. But I’m still in a much better place than last year, where I quickly regained what I lost in summer. This year, I mostly resisted that temptation and October 2017 tracks me at at 1.7kg less than October 2016.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. David says:

    The commute is over 20km each way? And around an hour each way? How does that compare with public transport or driving? Going to try and keep it up in the winter?

    1. Christian Kemp says:

      Kayl to Luxembourg is at least 18km. My typical commutes are either around 20km or around 25km, depending on route (and % of cycle paths – the shorter one has more roads and therefore more dangerous car traffic). A bike commute takes me 40-55 minutes, again depending on route and weather conditions. I’m currently experimenting with drive+run or maybe drive+bike split commutes for the upcoming months. I’ll try to do more partial run commutes because I will do a mountainous marathon in 2018, but also because I do not like the odds of driving multiple hours per week on my bike in the dark and rain with cars going by at 90km/h or more… So, I probably won’t bike as much through winter. Not a fan of public transport (or rather, being surrounded by obnoxious people while sitting in small cramped seats). Those days where I can drive to work, it usually takes me 30-45 minutes per commute; so biking isn’t that much worse. Wish it was more practical (better infra / better weather).

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