Well. That didn’t last long. Posted a “daily training log” on the 19th, and promptly fell ill and didn’t do any training for the next few days. Would have preferred to take a sick day or two and recover at home, but forced myself to go to work because we’re short-staffed and there was plenty of work to do.
I did continue treatment on my left achilles, with another laser treatment (the third so far) on Monday 21st. I haven’t yet reached a conclusion whether these treatments help or not – there’s so many variables at play and the injury has been plaguing me for so long already that it’s hard to say exactly what is helping and what is not.
On Thursday, I headed to my club’s usual Thursday training, but instead of joining the group for the usual early fall routine (of easing back into winter training), I merely did laps on the grass. I did a total of 3.8km in a little under 25 minutes, with a break in the middle for some stretching. Afterwards, the Achilles didn’t feel all that pleasant, but once again it is difficult to know for sure whether this is still ongoing pain from the injury, or just an adverse reaction to the stress of running after almost two months off. One would mandate more of a break or maybe even more invasive measures (an operation), the other can be ignored, more or less.